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The Horse LogoThe Horse ist eine US-Zeitschrift bzw. Website, mit einer Sammlung von mehr als 9000 Artikeln zu medizinischen Themen rund um´s Pferd. Da die amerikanische Pferdetierärztevereinigung (AAEP) unterstützend und editierend mitwirkt, sind die Beiträge als sehr seriös und sachlich korrekt anzusehen.

Dennoch distanzieren wir uns aus rein rechtlichen Gründen von den Inhalten in the

Nachfolgend eine Selbstbeschreibung von the

Our Editorial Charter is our pledge to you, the reader, that we will serve you and your horses by providing the most accurate and timely equine health care information.

 The Horse is concerned with all aspects of equine health, and it is written for hands-on horse owners, trainers, riders, breeders, and barn managers who want to know more about taking the best care of his or her horses. Extensive information on topics of concern are supplemented by timely features on horse health and news from researchers, veterinarians in the field and other equine professionals.

The Horse provides health information for horses of all breeds, and offers cutting-edge knowledge to veterinarians, owners and managers who care for horses. The magazine is a forum for the exchange of information and knowledge between researchers and veterinarians, and the top-level clients which are served by equine health professionals.

The Horse magazine is not a journal of record to report research findings. Instead, the publication features practical articles that are edited to interpret complex issues. The publication acts to bridge the gap from the research laboratory to the barn, to help horsemen sort valuable new information from gimmicks and fads.

The Horse is staffed by editors and writers with strong backgrounds in animal science, who are backed by an authoritative board of veterinary advisors. Their mission: To help readers breed, raise, and train healthier horses. is the award-winning website of The Horse magazine, including all content from the magazine as well as additional news and feature articles on equine health and welfare.



 Copyright 2007 Dr. C. A. Bingold. Eine Weiterverbreitung, Verarbeitung gleich welcher Art und der Ausdruck ist abgesehen vom persönlichen Eigengebrauch nicht gestattet.